Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Food Resources Series: Child and Adult Care Food Program

5. Child and Adult Care Food Program

What is it?
  • provides free or low cost meals and snacks outside of school- in child care centers, Head Start programs, emergency shelters, as well as day care centers for adults over the age of 60

Do I qualify?
  • for children under the age of 12, or with special needs up to age 18, who are already enrolled in SNAP, TANF, Head Start, Even Start of living in an emergency shelter
  • for adults over the age of 60 who are cared for in adult day care centers and receive Medicaid, Social Security Income, or SNAP
  • if neither, you may qualify for free meals if you earn up to 130% of the poverty level; for reduced price meals if you earn up to 185% of the poverty level*
*see NSLP chart

How do I apply?
  • through the care center in which your child or adult relative is enrolled- call and ask!